Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rub a Dub, A Fall tub !

In the subdivision I live, there are many decorations displayed for the season, some lovely and some er well not my personal taste (read halloween garbage) However, none resemble the ornamental piece which adorns my back porch. So blessed am I to have such a dear and hard working husband who has ever so kindly decided to re do our master bathroom. In order to do this the jacuzzi tub had to be removed and the old tile ripped out to make way for the lovely new tile bath surround and floor. Unfortunatly after my husband ripped out the tile and tub, he ripped a muscle in his arm loading the sheetrock onto his truck, that he needed to complete the project. So, six weeks have passed and I am so pleased to say dearest husband is much better and was able to return to work after only four weeks. Sunday after church my dear husband and son worked on the bathroom which resulted in the tub being carried to the back porch until the bathroom is ready for it. You can imagine my surprise at having such a large and interesting piece of decoration as I walked out my back door. Alas, if only I had the matching commode outside, I could turn them into unique planters but as the bathtub must go back in soon (please, please let it be soon). I am so thankful to have such a good hardworking husband and son who has volunteered to help work on renovations. God is so good to have blessed me with such a family. I love my family so much and I hope there will be many ways in which to let them know my appreciation for them and all they do for me. So sweet family, thank you !! I love you all and dear hubbie and dear son, thanks for the backyard tub and BLESS YOUR HEART!