Friday, April 11, 2008

I wouldn't dare... to compare myself to , the Miss Jane

Beloved friend of my heart that she is, I must disagree on a certain point with mamacaffee. I positively would never think I write like Miss Jane and I hardly consider my post to have a British feel (admittedly some private correspondance to friends at times might be a bit inspired by the motherland). Mamacaffee called and said she was encouraging her readers to check out my post. Well, bless your heart because I cannot imagine it being of any interest to anyone except perhaps a small circle of ladies whom I am blessed to be able to call friends. Alas, my little post are not filled with such delicious tidbits of fun and frivolity that my dear afore mentioned friends blog has in abundance.

I shall take this time to say WELL DONE!! to Mrs. Caffee who has an advertisement in the new "Sew Beautiful", available at sewing stores everywhere. I would like to say how proud I am of her book and venture into authoring and she deserves all the accolades which accompany such an acomplishment because of her sweet spirit and generous nature. I will not however bemoan the many hours, weeks, and years that she put into the project as it took her two weeks at most and we spent alot of her writing and editing time, giggling on the telephone as if we were young girls instead of an older haus frau and a slightly (yes dearest only slightly) younger chicken farmer mothers of many. Mama Caffe I am proud of you ! BLESS YOUR HEART !

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Apparently sitting down at the computer takes away all of my thoughts at least temporarily. I had so many things that I thought of posting here and now when I finally get my password so I can get back here, well I forgot everything. So, as I talk in the "the real world" I shall ramble on and hope to happen upon an actual thought of merit. Hmm, here goes ... How thankfull I am for my friends. Interesting girls day sewing(or chat day) at sew mamas house. Had quite a large crew of children with 5 families present. Each lady there is held dear to my heart. One could harldy believe that such diverse persons could band together so tightly in bonds of friendship. Our dear little group ranges from former socialites turned super mom of 7 to a pediatric nurse mommy turned stay at home chicken farmer who wears handmade skirts and whose children are adorned in handmade fashions rivaling any store bought creation. Ladies whose happiest times are spent wearing aprons using cloth napkins and mixing home brewed tonics for ailments on one end of the spectrum and those who thinks shopping for just the right outfit is a must and whose child has the same love for sequins and sparkles as her flashy momma, who has been known to wear sequined adorned skirts to clean house in and was taken aback that the fashion she wore were considered gaudy!! (Consider the source of the comment was from a flip flop wearing flour sack cloth loving friends, sequin cleaning mom was ok with the comment). Some controversy occured over one friends new method of child training in the area of finance. Using the Dave Ramsey financial peace for kids plan, money is earned but also is taken away in the form of fines for a few unacceptable behaviors (talking back and not obeying immediately). One dear friend who has a penchant for exaggerating stories for humor and effect (she is so funny) announced that the mother using the fine for behaviour plan had given up Biblical methods and turned instead to a "gasp" modern method (ie the fines). Well, as it happens one dear lady was so horrified at the thought she immediately, in a grave tone, spoke of her concerns at such a plan, leaving out the God ordained discipline and going with what seemed to be a wordly philosophy. Being the sweetest little thing, she was concerned over having voiced her opionions that they might have hurt anothers feelings, well, no harm done as the mother who has implemented the new plan merely laughed that this dear friend could be drawn into the silly exaggerations of the story teller. All is well, and the child who faces fines for her actions most certainly is still corrected in the Biblically directed manner. Ok, so I have rambled on and on, much like in real life, so I shall just say to those of you reading this (if such a person exist) sorry for the ramble and BLESS YOUR HEART ! for taking the time to stop by.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rub a Dub, A Fall tub !

In the subdivision I live, there are many decorations displayed for the season, some lovely and some er well not my personal taste (read halloween garbage) However, none resemble the ornamental piece which adorns my back porch. So blessed am I to have such a dear and hard working husband who has ever so kindly decided to re do our master bathroom. In order to do this the jacuzzi tub had to be removed and the old tile ripped out to make way for the lovely new tile bath surround and floor. Unfortunatly after my husband ripped out the tile and tub, he ripped a muscle in his arm loading the sheetrock onto his truck, that he needed to complete the project. So, six weeks have passed and I am so pleased to say dearest husband is much better and was able to return to work after only four weeks. Sunday after church my dear husband and son worked on the bathroom which resulted in the tub being carried to the back porch until the bathroom is ready for it. You can imagine my surprise at having such a large and interesting piece of decoration as I walked out my back door. Alas, if only I had the matching commode outside, I could turn them into unique planters but as the bathtub must go back in soon (please, please let it be soon). I am so thankful to have such a good hardworking husband and son who has volunteered to help work on renovations. God is so good to have blessed me with such a family. I love my family so much and I hope there will be many ways in which to let them know my appreciation for them and all they do for me. So sweet family, thank you !! I love you all and dear hubbie and dear son, thanks for the backyard tub and BLESS YOUR HEART!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Friends of silver and gold

There is an old saying about old and new friends one being silver and one being the gold. Both to be cherished. My heart is ever so full of love and thankfulness because of the dearest ladies who to me are much more precious than silver and gold (and even diamonds and mind you that is allot if you know me well.). During the past week, I have been so thankful to spend time with an old friend that I have known since I was in high school. Oh the fun and the trials we have had together over the years makes us know each other so very well and makes the friendship so special. Also this week, much to my delight, I was able to spend time with another dear friend and her family, a friend that I have come to cherish and love, even though it has been but a year or so since we have met. I must also add that last week another lovely and dear friend came by with her darling children and visited and blessed me in a myriad of ways. These friendships are very dear to me and I smile even now thinking of these dear ladies. God has given each of these ladies such various gifts and talents that it certainly would take pages to list them all so I shall not attempt it. I will say that each of them use their different gifts and talents to the glory of God and to further advance the gospel going forth. It is without a doubt that I can say these women have a heart for Jesus and always a helping hand for a friend and even stranger alike. I wonder if they know how much I am blessed by them. One sweet friend has offered to work on a most hated thing ( getting rid of 5 garbage bags of clothes) if I will lose 5 lbs. This is her offer to suffer along with me so I will have encouragement to lose weight. Another darling friend came by and cut my hair in a style that I really like. Still another sweet friend comes by and encourages me so on the smallest of things I do (such as making a chicken salad sandwich, which is nothing) and she acts as if it is the finest of dinners and compliments me and makes me feel less like the struggling homemaker I sometimes feel I am. Friends like these are nothing less than blessings from the LORD ! May God help me to never take them for granted and to strive to be the friend to them that they are always to me. I thank the Lord for the wonderful gift of these special friends, yet another way the Lord blesses me exceedingly above all I could ask or think. Beloved friends, if you happen to read this, know I love you ! Thank you for you are darlings! So happy am I to know you ! Bless your heart!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Cure for selfish, whiney , bad mood MOP !

Whiney, selfish, self centered excuse making brat !! How I loathe you and your detestable nature that is full of self and no thought of anyone but your miserable soul with your pity party of such large portion that it could rival mardi gra in size. Ah , how I despised even the very thought of how I behaved and thought yesterday. No need to list the tiresome list of excuses I made for myself to reason away such behavior as there is never a reason for a lady, a supposed Christian lady at that to wallow in self pity as a pig in a wallow. I am now humbled and shamed at my attitude and behavior not befitting a lady in any fashion. I was ill tempered and short with everyone who came into my path and feeling quite ill used by everyone who dared upset my delicate sensibilities due to my "infirmity" (read pmdd brat hormonal excuse maker). Spiraling down into my pool of despondency and thinking only of how detestable it was to deal with insufferable people (aka my family who were doing nothing of any consequence, no ill intent at all towards me) who did seek to comfort me in my loathsome infirmity (pmdd suffering self centered brattiness). Finally, my selfishness was put in check as daughter started complaining of a headache (praying for her healing from migraines) so I snapped out of my pity party mode, which had been ongoing throughout the day, and started tending to my punkin. I had her get into bed after giving her an extra strength tylenol and I asked if there was anything I could do to make her feel better, she requested a cool cloth for her head which I was happy to place on her little forehead. She asked would I lay down with her to which I answered with why I could not as the house was such a mess that I must clean it ( uh, right the house which had lain in shambles all day, unable to be cleaned due to my infirmity) Thankfully, coming to my senses I realized and told punkin that she was much more important than the house so ofc ourse I would snug up with her. After some time, she seemed to feel well enough to play her leapster and for me to be about the pursuits of cleaning as long as I checked on her often. I spied a bottle of a bleach cleaner on the counter (one of the many things that should have been put away) and sprayed it directly onto the kitchen floor which was overdue for a mop from a marathon day of baking held previously in the week. After mopping over the spray I was delighted to find that the floor looked so much better with so little effort that I started spraying more and rinsing the mop and working a bit more and with each pass of the mop being more encouraged in my work to the point where I pulled out the oven and mopped under it and washed it down (disgusting and something I never do , must add it to list of monthly chores). After checking on punkin and putting a few things away and continuing to mop, I realized that I felt better. Suddenly I had energy which here to fore seemed to have completely drained out of me. Such a revelation to me (actually a re revelation if you will as surely I had known this in times past). So, as a tip for anyone who cares to read this post (all two of you darlings) and a reminder to myself, when the day seems long and tiresome and attitude is vile, pick up a mop or broom or even a duster and get busy. Dear bloggy reader if you are feeling a bit "blue" , "under the weather", mistreated by everyone (atleast in your mind) get busy doing something productive and BLESS YOUR HEART !

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trying times with precious honey

I must say today seems destined to be "one of those days". You know what I mean, one of those days where you feel somewhat under the weather have um er well, womanly issues that are of a nature not be discussed and leave one somewhat in a state of perpetual aggitation. Yes, it is one of those days that along with the former mentioned, your darling honey precious child, blessing from God above, informs you, in her most resolute tone, of her plans for the day after you have given instructions quite to the contrary. Ah yes, the independant spirit of a blooming rose in the garden of girlhood. Naturally, I felt it my place to lovingly inform (read as a warning of correction in no uncertain terms) what would happen if path is to be carried out as she was planning precious honey that she is to me. Indeed she would be following the well thought out plan that her dearest father laid out for school days many weeks ago. Converstion with honey child was not a profitable as I would have liked as honey dearest let me know in such a tone that she was indeed going back to bed. This is at odds with the plan I have for the day which involves school starting and 8 am promptly. Ofcourse darling husand on evening shift today, (ofcourse) shall be witnessing all that transpires. So thankful I am to have a dear husband who expects the best of his family, for a perfectly coifed and made up wife to be educating a perfectly coifed and nicely dressed honey child to be working harmoniusly as he prepares for his own day ( at them moment includes sleeping) Ah, there she is now precious honey darling has come back into the school room mentioning the correction she knows is impending and making such a request for breakfast that it is quite astounding to this mother that darling precious is not a leader of a small gurilla army with the insistance, tone and persistance in which she declares her wishes to be carried out. How wonderful this day will be as I am blessed to have such an opportunity to extol such virtues as are due a mother, such as long suffering and patience and with such a loving Christian attitude as being affable to all who come into my presence. You can only imagine my delight at the prospects of such a day (read, trying not to scream, pitch a tantrum of my own announcing the pmdd from which I suffer and that I think everyone here will soon be suffering from) and or escaping to the nearest fast food joint for a burger and fries) Ah, here is darling honey now showing off that brill ant mastery of vocabulary she has, quite a verbose little soul (read giving mom a list of I hate, do not want to do, have something else in mind and of course hungry for the breakfast that should have been eaten a half hour ago when instead dogs were being played with in pajamas of course). Oh, happy day I rush to meet you with such delight at what unexpected thrills and joys of being a stay at home mom and homeschooler shall await me. So thank you for sharing my morning dear bloggy friend and I thank you so much for I know in your own corner of blogdom you are saying to me "BLESS YOUR HEART!"

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Lily !!!! Happy Birthday Iris !!!!

Such a special day it is today. It is the day of new beginnings for a family who have went from two to four. A day that God has blessed a loving mommy and daddy with twin girls ! My heart is full of joy at the news that Lily and Iris have their first look of the world and that I shall soon have a good look at them. Such excitement over the wonderful blessings God has given my precious friends. These darling girls will be such a joy and pleasure for all of those who know them. So many of us have been waiting for the big day to arrive and it is FINALLY here, it is hard to find words enough to properly express the joyful enthusiasm we all share over this most wonderful day ! Praise be God for bringing these two lovely darlings into the world. As the days go by and the babies grow into little girls, and then into women, I have no doubt they will continue being thought of and indeed cherished by all who know them as great blessings from God. To the new mommy and daddy I send you all my good thoughts, many prayers have been said for your dear little family, so to all of you may God continue to BLESS YOUR HEARTs as mine has surely been blessed by knowing that the sweet flowers have safely arrived to loving arms, into a superior family built upon Godly principles and Christian love.

To my beloved friend who has received the coveted title of "Aunt", I know you are enraptured by it. Bless your heart ! I share your joy.