Friday, April 11, 2008

I wouldn't dare... to compare myself to , the Miss Jane

Beloved friend of my heart that she is, I must disagree on a certain point with mamacaffee. I positively would never think I write like Miss Jane and I hardly consider my post to have a British feel (admittedly some private correspondance to friends at times might be a bit inspired by the motherland). Mamacaffee called and said she was encouraging her readers to check out my post. Well, bless your heart because I cannot imagine it being of any interest to anyone except perhaps a small circle of ladies whom I am blessed to be able to call friends. Alas, my little post are not filled with such delicious tidbits of fun and frivolity that my dear afore mentioned friends blog has in abundance.

I shall take this time to say WELL DONE!! to Mrs. Caffee who has an advertisement in the new "Sew Beautiful", available at sewing stores everywhere. I would like to say how proud I am of her book and venture into authoring and she deserves all the accolades which accompany such an acomplishment because of her sweet spirit and generous nature. I will not however bemoan the many hours, weeks, and years that she put into the project as it took her two weeks at most and we spent alot of her writing and editing time, giggling on the telephone as if we were young girls instead of an older haus frau and a slightly (yes dearest only slightly) younger chicken farmer mothers of many. Mama Caffe I am proud of you ! BLESS YOUR HEART !


Samantha Caffee said...

You are too funny! I love when you are blogging, it is so much fun!