Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Lily !!!! Happy Birthday Iris !!!!

Such a special day it is today. It is the day of new beginnings for a family who have went from two to four. A day that God has blessed a loving mommy and daddy with twin girls ! My heart is full of joy at the news that Lily and Iris have their first look of the world and that I shall soon have a good look at them. Such excitement over the wonderful blessings God has given my precious friends. These darling girls will be such a joy and pleasure for all of those who know them. So many of us have been waiting for the big day to arrive and it is FINALLY here, it is hard to find words enough to properly express the joyful enthusiasm we all share over this most wonderful day ! Praise be God for bringing these two lovely darlings into the world. As the days go by and the babies grow into little girls, and then into women, I have no doubt they will continue being thought of and indeed cherished by all who know them as great blessings from God. To the new mommy and daddy I send you all my good thoughts, many prayers have been said for your dear little family, so to all of you may God continue to BLESS YOUR HEARTs as mine has surely been blessed by knowing that the sweet flowers have safely arrived to loving arms, into a superior family built upon Godly principles and Christian love.

To my beloved friend who has received the coveted title of "Aunt", I know you are enraptured by it. Bless your heart ! I share your joy.


Samantha Caffee said...

I am so excited! I was crying just reading your post about our precious little miracles!