Monday, September 24, 2007

IN - TER- EST- ING , answers it all.

How thankfull am I to be blessed with a dear friend, who shares my name even, who has her own catch word as I have the phrase Bless your heart, dear friend has interesting. Oh, it is a multipurpose word that can cover any situation that arises for sweet friend. Perchance you doubt that one single word can accomplish a meaning appropriate to most every situation well I shall give examples.

1. Interesting - Said together not stressing one syllable greatly over the others means she has found something to be of genuine interest such as a good recipe, local history experts or perhaps even a Bible concept for which she has just gleaned from study or a teaching. If it is a considerable gem of new knowledge such as a new recipe or cleaning method you most assuredly will hear very interesting.

2. In-TER-Esting (It was inTEResting)- Said by stressing the ter means that she finds something that has upset her delicate sensibilities such as someones finding themselves in an akward situation as finding their husband in a compromising situation, an evening that was full of helping one of her various charity projects whom she must drop everything to help whatever poor soul is homeless, jobless, on drugs or being cheated on by their spouse.

3. INTER-esting (Oh, um INTER-esting)- This answer is readily at her command to utter as soon as her opinion is asked on something (usually an object) which she finds completly distasteful even downright hideous, but not one to offend, dear friend merely says INTER-esting.

I do believe their are a few more slight variations on her enunciation of the most useful word intersting but they are mere shades different of those used more predominatly by her and as I have told of the first and main three, I believe any reader is sure to follow and understand the general drift of the passage. If you still cannot fathom so many uses for the word interesting being both a compliment to a scholarly attempt, or at the other end an insult politely veiled, all I can say is BLESS YOUR HEART !


Samantha Caffee said...

That's her alright! I love it! Rae read your blog last night, and she said she was lovin every second of it!